Thursday, March 26, 2009



Last week I was at the Migrations Office sitting in the waiting room with a couple other friends taking care of my student visa (which could be a long, stressful story in itself!). I was sitting next to a young family with a smiling, energetic three year old son. After a while the mom asked us where we were from and what we were doing here. She was really nice and spoke Spanish very well, so I talked to her a while. Her and her family were from Italy but had come to live in Argentina for three years for her husband's job. We talked about where I go to school and what I'm studying as well. After we had been chatting for a while I took a closer look at her son and saw that his shirt was very very oddly close to the color of husker red. I looked on the front of his shirt, and saw a big Nebraska "N" right there on his chest and "Huskers" written down the sleeve!! I immediately asked his mom where they bought the shirt and told her it was from my state in the U.S. It turns out they had bought the shirt at their home, in Italy! It was very very weird, but oddly comforting in a way as it reminded me of home, fall and football games.

So then last night, I was waiting for the bus after class. I looked to my left and saw a guy wearing a bright red Nebraska Husker shirt! SO WEIRD...So without even hesitating I approached him and asked where he was from, and explained to him the significance of his shirt. Unfortunately I couldn't really understand why he had it. I ended up having to go to a different bus stop on campus so I said it was nice to meet him and took off. Five minutes later I was sitting on the bus, and he was hopping on to the same one as me. My friend and him talked a little more and ended up exchanging numbers and now we're planning on getting together this weekend. So I got a new Argentine friend out of the whole thing as well.

Moral of the story: you can't escape the Husker Nation!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

las adventuras de argentina.

Hello friends and family!

Well, as of late I have been a lot busier. I actually have a social life now that other students are here and classes have started. My schedule is fairly relaxed, although my Fridays are not exactly easy. Monday I have one class, Wednesday I have two classes, and two Fridays out of the month I have three classes, and the other two I have four. I'm still trying to grasp the concept of studying here. It's really difficult to find the motivation when there is always something else I could be doing, some where else I could be, people I could be interacting with. Although I came here to experience new things, I need to remember that I came here to STUDY too (I think that's why they call it study abroad).

Last weekend 15 others and I went to Capilla del Monte, a small town about three hours outside of Córdoba. The town is apparently known for its UFO sitings and kind of has a this ongoing alien/UFO theme going on in the little restaurants and other "touristy" places. Though it would have made quite a story, we didn't see any UFOs (or OVNIS en español) but I did see a gorgeous sunrise over the Sierras and seemingly endless chain of mountains.

The afternoon we arrived we set out on a journey up a dirt road outside of town. About an hour into the hike we found out from various locals driving past that there was an 8 mile hike ahead of us with absolutely nothing to see at the end. So with the exception of four others, the majority of us headed back down the hill to find something else to do. We ended up waiting in the shade of a small bus stop hut for about an hour, then finally went back into town. After locating a cute little hostile, we found a beautiful park with a pool made by the river. By this time it was evening, and the harsh sun that burned our cheaks and put sweat on brows just hours before, now reflected gently on the calm water of the river, and peeked through the soft branches of the willow trees (haha).

The next day we woke up bright and early and prepared our backpacks for a day in the mountains, unaware of exactly what we were going to be doing that day. We found the stop where the bus was supposed to pick us up, and after waiting for about a half an hour, we decided to start the treck to the base of the mountain. We reached the center an hour later, where we paid 20 pesos, bought a few last minute snacks for the hike, and then set out.

Within the first five minutes of the hike I think we all began to realize this was not going to be a pleasant trek through the mountains. The entire trail was uphill, and completely made of rock. By the end it felt as though I had basically been climbing really steep stairs for about three hours. But the view from the top was well worth every bit of energy I had spent. There were beautiful clouds in the sky, mountains that seemed to stretch on forever, and a view of Capilla del Monte nestled within the mountains along side a lake. We spent about an hour and a half to two hours just taking it all in, taking pictures, and relaxing against the rocks.

Though I did not do anything nearly as cool this weekend, on Sunday a smaller group of us went to Alta Gracia, where we toured the house of Ernesto Che Guevara, and an old estancia of the Jesuits that settled there over four hundred years ago. It was a very educational day!

As for now, I think it is probably about time to do some homework.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I am falling in love with this city and the people I am becoming friends with.

that is all.

: )

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hello everyone!

Well once again, more than a week has past with out a post from me... I apologize. Perhaps when school begins and I start procrastinating more you will hear from me a little more often.

I remarked in my last post that I wanted to talk about reasons why I have come to appreciate the U.S more. Perhaps I will elaborate a bit more on that in this post.

The first thing that comes to mind when I think about this topic is the cleanliness of the city. Bearing in mind that I come from a particularly clean part of the country, here are some things I have noticed about Cordoba:
First of all there is a lot of trash on the streets. People seem to be ok with just setting their wrappers down on the sidewalk once they are finished. Because of this, the parks and other public places don't appear as pleasant. In the neighborhood, people set their trash in open wire crates for the garbage men to pick up. This looks a bit odd the first time you see it as well, because the trash is just sitting there in plain view. I'd imagine the wind probably blows some of the trash out and litters the streets as well.

The air is a lot more polluted. It feels thicker when you breathe it in, and it has a certain smell of gas, sometimes sewage, and smoke, depending on where I go in the city . If I had to guess, I would say the amount of people who smoke in this city is well over 50%. It's sometimes seems unavoidable...walking down the street, sitting in a restaurant, or sometimes even sitting in my room and having it waft in through the windows from a neighbor's.

Other than the cleanliness, there are other things. There are abandoned dogs EVERY where. Literallly. They don't bother you but it's just unfortunate. There is apparently a dog pound, but it's almost as if there's more dogs in the city than there is room for in the pound. I'm not really sure.

People are absolutely horrible drivers here, and I don't understand why there aren't more laws enforced. People form their own lanes, weave in and out of traffic whenever and where ever they want, sometimes drive right through stop signs and lights and seem to have absolutely no regard for other drivers on the road. The ironic thing is that people don't appear to wear their seatbelts very frequently either...and often there aren't even any seatbelts in the taxis.

It is not uncommon to find buildings, sidewalks, and streets ripped up or broken down, and I trip. A lot. : /

People seem to be way too concerned with outward appearance. It is perfectly normal for teen-age girls to get breast implants for their 15th birthday. People strive to have the body of a model, and for this reason there is a ridiculously high rate of anorexia and bulimia. Sometimes I see women look me up and down, possibly examining the outfit I am wearing that day. I am not quite sure. But wearing fashionable clothes and having all of the right shoes seems to be at the top of the list for a lot of people here. Everyone sort of seems to wear the same thing too (skinny jeans, chuck taylors, flats, sandals) so the fashion here is getting sort of old.

Another thing that took some getting used to was the graffiti. In general when we see grafitti in Lincoln it is in the (for lack of a better word) "poorer" part of town and seen as something rebellious high school drop outs do to make adults mad. At first when i saw graffiti almost every where I went, I applied these same ideas to what I was seeing. But my ideas are changing... One of my friends told me that grafitti is "so South American"...Basically, Argentina wouldn't be the same without it. Now, after having lived here a month, I've began to understand graffiti more as an art form, or political expression. There have been so much political instability in the past and still now, that it is almost as if you can see a little bit of history written on these buildings. People also write poetry and declare their love for each other these walls. I would like to spend a day just looking at graffitti. I'm sure I'd find some interesting things.

I think over all I have just come to see things from such a different perspective. The ordinary, every-day things I have in the U.S now seem like luxuries. Air conditioning, gauranteed hot water, large selections of foods at the grocery store, clean air, buildings that are kept in good shape.

Hmm. I don't really feel like this post has really captured what I'm really feeling about all of this, not to mention my grammar is getting worse by the day. But anyways. I had a good conversation with my parents about how before I came here, the U.S was all I'd ever known, and so I didn't really have any reason to be proud of my country, or grateful for what I have. But now I do. And this is a developed country. I can't imagine what I would be thinking had a gone to a poorer country.

I don't know...I'm just going to post this now. It's hard to explain what I'm feeling.