Thursday, March 26, 2009



Last week I was at the Migrations Office sitting in the waiting room with a couple other friends taking care of my student visa (which could be a long, stressful story in itself!). I was sitting next to a young family with a smiling, energetic three year old son. After a while the mom asked us where we were from and what we were doing here. She was really nice and spoke Spanish very well, so I talked to her a while. Her and her family were from Italy but had come to live in Argentina for three years for her husband's job. We talked about where I go to school and what I'm studying as well. After we had been chatting for a while I took a closer look at her son and saw that his shirt was very very oddly close to the color of husker red. I looked on the front of his shirt, and saw a big Nebraska "N" right there on his chest and "Huskers" written down the sleeve!! I immediately asked his mom where they bought the shirt and told her it was from my state in the U.S. It turns out they had bought the shirt at their home, in Italy! It was very very weird, but oddly comforting in a way as it reminded me of home, fall and football games.

So then last night, I was waiting for the bus after class. I looked to my left and saw a guy wearing a bright red Nebraska Husker shirt! SO WEIRD...So without even hesitating I approached him and asked where he was from, and explained to him the significance of his shirt. Unfortunately I couldn't really understand why he had it. I ended up having to go to a different bus stop on campus so I said it was nice to meet him and took off. Five minutes later I was sitting on the bus, and he was hopping on to the same one as me. My friend and him talked a little more and ended up exchanging numbers and now we're planning on getting together this weekend. So I got a new Argentine friend out of the whole thing as well.

Moral of the story: you can't escape the Husker Nation!


  1. i am jealous/mad ..... i want you s my own.

  2. yo tengo much amor para ti! por favor, escuchame! te amo, te quiero, te adoro.
