Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Flight

Hi everyone! So this is where I'm going to be keeping you all updated on my life as an Argentinian. I've never really been into the whole "blog" thing but I suppose it has its advantages in situations such as this. To start off I'm just going to write a few things I wrote down in my journal on my way from Atlanta to Chile. It's a lot of rambling and a bit extensive. Read it whenever you have the chance or need something to do!


Well. I'm off. Right now I'm on my flight to Santiago, Chile, where I will take my last flight to Córdoba, Argentina! There are so many emotions running through me right now. None of this seems real. Since I have never been to Argentina let alone out of the country, I have such a vague picture of what it will be like/who I will meet/what I will do. Right now all I can picture in my mind are the photographs I have seen and literally a geographical map of South America (haha).

Just as I predicted, the fact that I am going didn't hit me until the announcement that they were beginning to board for my flight. My heart dropped into my stomach and my eyes filled with tears. All these months of excitement and preparation, and the past few days of stress, packing, and goodbyes had all led up to this. I was really nervous, sad and excited all at the same time.

Two hours later we arrived at the Atlanta airport around 7:50 pm. The man I sat next to and chatted with a bit the whole way to Atlanta asked me what time my next flight was and I told him 9:15 pm. We both agreed I had plenty of time until someone sitting in front of us reminded us that the time was actually 8:45. I had 20 minutes to get to Terminal E, and I was at terminal C.

He showed me where the train was located and I took off running, wheeling my carry-on, my backpack flailing behind me and a look of sheer terror on my face. I finally found the trains that were going the direction of my terminal and hopped on. I looked at my watch and it read that I had 7 minutes until the plane took off. I quickly exited approached what appeared to be the tallest escalator I had ever seen in my life. There was no time to lose so I picked up my carry-on and climbed the escalator. Of course gate E7 was the furthest gate from where I was. Tired and out of breath, I was tempted to walk the rest of the way but decided there was no time. Running was my only option at that point.

I got to the desk at my gate and managed to explain with the few breaths I could gather that my plane from Omaha was about a half hour late. But the man informed me it was too late. And I didn't really know what to say to that. This was my first time traveling alone and I had absolutely no idea what I would do had I missed the plane. But right as I was about to say, "What do I do now?" someone else came to the desk and informed us that they were holding the plane. Apparently I wasn't the only one running late. They let me on and I made my way to my seat, sat down, and let out a sigh of relief. I felt like I was sweating profusely. But after the rest of the passengers got on the plane, it took off and all was well again.

There are currently six hours left of this flight. I wonder if I will actually be able to catch some sleep. My mind is racing as I am still attempting to think through and process the fact that this is actually happening. In six hours I will walk off the plane and on to South American ground. It will be summer. English will no longer be my official language. I will be thousands of miles away from my home.

I have already learned something in these past couple days. I undoubtedly have the most amazing family and friends in the world--(that vague statement in itself doesn't really do them justice). I have always felt grateful for the relationships I have with them, but the past couple days have made me even more thankful. I just can't believe how supportive and excited for me they have all been. I don't think I really realized exactly how much I am truly loved and cared for by these people.

As for now, I will keep myself occupied with sleep, music and books. I have a feeling these next six hours will go by much slower than the next six months ahead of me. It is crazy to think that in just a short while I will be back on this plane, headed in the opposite direction. I am looking forward to every minute of this opportunity and realize I can't let these months slip by.

Along with becoming a better Spanish speaker, I am looking forward to meeting new people and experiencing life as a minority. I am hoping that God has brought me here to experience him in a different way than I ever have. Perhaps I will find a renewed and refined faith in him. After the past year, I am ready for change and to be changed.

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